Crazy World
Pfft. I'm so sick of stuff going on in my life. LOL I'd like to just curl up in Tahiti and write. Think that can be arranged?
Life gets in the way you say? Dammmmmmmmit.
So, working diligently--FINALLY. This weekend was a bit hairy. Holiday weekend, Grams in the hospital, Tara over medicating herself on Sunday. Yeah--thought it was the flu. NOPE. Double dosed up on PMS drugs and fried my own circuits.
That's me.
It took nearly 7 hrs for the double dose to back off and for me to feel normal again. I took the first one in the morning and went back to bed. Took another dose 2hrs later, not paying attention to the clock.
Nauseous, head tilt-a-whirl reaction. Every time I sat up, stood up...the world went right into black dots. GOD, how freakin' soft serve can I be? But hell, those girl drugs are powerful stuff. I'll NEVER do that again.
Can I just rip out my uterus and be done with it?
Okay--back to work. 1300 new words today so far. Edited 3 chapters with another 1500 words peppered in there. Pretty good stats for the day--even by Taskmaster's standards.