Goals thru 5/15
Well, Cari, Kiwi and I started a new daily goal.
If you saw our outline you'd just die. LOL!
2hrs writing a day - 1k wordcount at least. It sounds easy, doesn't it?
Well, guess what?
LOL SOmetimes it's NOT. But we're bound and determined to get some work done in the next few weeks.
So determined we brought Summer into the fold to whip us into shape. And I think she likes her damn job! We all need a taskmaster and boy does she fit the bill!
My wordcount today...1382.
Could be better, but we'll see if tomorrow's better!
LMAO! Yeah Day Two and we feel like Kings, lets see on day 30 how this is going LMAO... I think it works well and we're all very like minded and supportive so yay!
I need to go and blog about this on my other blog too. Whoops. esp since Cari has now LINKED it LOL.
Woo go us, and there goes the weekend. I am pooped!
Our outline is a thing of beauty! LOL We are all kicking some serious butt already! Keep this up and we'll take the world by storm for sure. ;)
And no "pffft"...every 1382 words you get brings you closer to a pub contract. If you'd had 1382 words every day for the last year, you know how many you'd have? Me either. I don't have a calculator handy. LOL
Seriously, AWESOME JOB! :)
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