Hello there!
Welcome to my little corner of the world. I've been writing for...gosh, over half my life now. Talk about crazy, huh?
I figured it was high time I figure out this blog thing for personal things. I've been blogging in the Jovi world for quite a long time, but I needed a place that was just for me and not my Jovi persona. Tara is...
- a writer.
- a tech head who loves her gadgets.
- a jewelry designer
- a Jovi-head (aka - Bon Jovi fanatic)
I'm working on my first novel, Strength in Numbers (SIN for short). It's a paranormal romance that's hopefully going to fit in over at the Harlequin Nocturne line of books. *crosses fingers*
I'm also planning on doing the November, National Novel Writing Month contest at NanoWriMo.
This is the topic I'll be freaking out the most about. LOL
I drool over the Best Buy and Circuit City circulars every weekend. I want, I want, I want is always in my vocabulary.
I'm putting together a website for the jewelry thing. I love beaded design.
I'm a Bon Jovi fanatic! If you love Jovi, drop me a line, I'll always respond! Hell, drop me a line at all and I'll respond.
Okay, that's all you could ever want to know about me. So...I'm closing this badboy up. Normal blogging crap on it's way soon.
Very cute site Tara. :)
Wow, Jake is FINE and Sophie is beautiful, but damn....Blue in the limo...Come to Mommy! LOL Janus is just downright evil looking but on the sexy side.
I'll be looking forward to seeing more of whats going on inside that head of yours.
(oh, btw, I'm NOT Stephanie. LOL I thought we changed that! hehehe)
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